Autonomous Vehicles Summit, September 2020

Biggest Autonomous

Vehicles Event in the CEE

Two days BIG international ON-LINE Autonomous vehicles summit 2020 is over.
Organizer of ON-LINE Autonomous Vehicles Summit want to express many thanks to all our great valuable speakers,
many thanks for kind cooperation support of SCSTI, thank all summit participants, thanks to
Representation of the European Commission and many thanks to team of summit cooperators!
Looking forward to meet you all on second editionAutonomous Vehicles Summit in second half of 2021!

Those, who could not attend the exclusive autonomous vehicle summit due to time constraints,
have the opportunity to order video presentations by a selected speaker, or to order full panel presentations
or all presentations of the summit under extremely advantageous conditions.
Register here and order them.

Tí, ktorí sa z dôvodu časovej tiesne nemohli zúčastniť exkluzívneho summitu autonómnych vozidiel,
majú možnosť objednať si video prezentácie vybraného prednášajúceho rečníka , alebo si objednať kompletné
panelové vystúpenia alebo všetky prezentácie summitu za mimoriadne výhodných podmienok.
Zaregistrujte sa a môžete objednávať.

DAY 1 of the summit

Thursday , 17.09.2020

08,00 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registration of active participants to Virtual AVs summit centre

09,00 a.m. - 09,15 a.m.Opening ceremony of Summit


Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Miko, Ph.D., Head of the EU Commission's Representation in Slovakia

Kick-off speaches of Day 1

Peter Varga, MBA, MSc., Director General, Section of road traffic and roads, Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak Republic

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN Slovakia

09,15 a.m.- 09,35 a.mIntroduction: The way to autonomy - 6 levels of autonomy


Lecture title: 6 levels of autonomy (1st part)
Prof. Ing. Mikuláš Huba, PhD.,
Lecture title: 6 levels of autonomy (2nd part)
Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD.,

09,35 a.m.- 09,50 a.mPANEL DISCUSSION (motivation) The way to autonomy - 6 levels of autonomy

Moderator:Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD. STUBA Bratislava


10,00 a.m. - 11,15 a.m.PANEL Connected and Fully automated AVs related technologies


Topic: Towards Augmented Intelligence of Things: Tools and skills of the Cognitive Era
KEYNOTE/William Carbone, Business Development Aerospace & Defense, Global Automotive, Aerospace & Defense Industries, IBM Academy of Technology Member(United Kingdom)

Topic: Optical solutions in autonomous navigation
František Kudlačák, KudAtech s.r.o.

Topic: Big Data Paving the Way for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Dr. Tibor Petrov, Researcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. ERAdiate project/Emergency Vehicles Coordination using V2X Communication

Topic: Automatic Transport System for public transport
KEYNOTE/Prof. RNDr. Branislav Sitár, DrSc., UK Bratislava

Topic: Car navigation systems for AVs
Martin Strigač, Chief Executive Officer, Sygic (Slovakia)

11,15 a.m. - 11,30 a.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Connected and Fully automated AVs related technologies

Moderator:Dr. Tibor PetrovResearcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. ERAdiate project/Emergency Vehicles Coordination using V2X Communication

11,30 a.m. - 12,45 p.m.PANEL AVs Safety and Legislation

Topic: Car and Pedestrian Crossing the Roadway
prof. Ing. Milan Štork, CSc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications University of West Bohemia (Czech republic)

Topic: VRES - an integrated approach to managing risk based on Cybersecurity, Functional safety and SOTIF principles
Edith Holland, Chief Engineer Functional Safety, Organisation VAT Horiba MIRA (United Kingdom)

Topic: Legal challenges of autonomous vehicles – creativity and courage needed
Mgr. Ivan Kisely, PhD., Counsel, Corporate and regulatory specialist, Bird & Bird s.r.o., Bratislava

Topic: Legislation on unmanned vehicles
Ing. Juraj Dudáš

12,45 p.m.- 01,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION AVs Safety and Legislation

Moderator:Mgr. Ivan Kisely, PhD., Counsel, Corporate and regulatory specialist, Bird & Bird s.r.o., Bratislava


02,00 p.m. - 03,30 p.m.PANEL Autonomous Vehicles Applications

Topic: Transition towards new mobility agenda
Radoslav Mizera, Chief Innovation Officer and VP at Solved, (Finland)

Topic: Driverless Trains Are Going to Cruise through Europe
Alfréd Hebert, Ing., AŽD Praha (Czech republic)

Topic: Are drones dangerous? How can they be used for safe and secure societies
Ing. Ivana Budinska, PhD.

Topic: Systems of Autonomous Special Military Vehicles
Prof. Ing. Viktor Ferencey, PhD.

Topic: Autonomous Driving for Smart Logistics
KEYNOTEBerry Leung, Teksbotics (Hong Kong)

Topic: Autonomous mobile robotics in agriculture
doc. Ing. Vladimír Cviklovič, PhD.Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture. Research and development of autnomous mobile robots in agriculture

03,30 p.m. - 03,45 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous Vehicles Applications

Moderator: Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD.

03,45 p.m. - 04,45 p.m.PANEL Mobility in towns - best experiencies

Topic: UP-Drive Project: Automated Urban Parking and Driving
RNDr. Júlia Škovierová, PhD., Research fellow, Institution: Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (Czech republic)

Topic: AVs as part of public transport network in Oslo-region
Lars Gunnar Lundestad, Project manager – Self driving Ruter Oslo (Norway)

Topic: Introduction NAVYA autonom shuttle as a shuttle service - new mobility: Autonomous, shared and electric
KEYNOTEJean-Michel Boëz, Area Manager Germany/Austria/Switzerland/CEE NAVYA Tech, (France)

Topic: Implementation and operation of autonomous vehicles on routes across Europe
KEYNOTEChristian Bering Pedersen, CEO of HOLO (Denmark)

04,45 p.m. - 05,00 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Mobility in towns - best experiencies

Moderator: coming soon

05,00 p.m. - 05,45 p.m.PANEL Autonomous Vehicles impact


Topic: Managing the Transition to Driverless Transport
Speaker OECD, International Transport Forum, Paris (France)(TBC)

Topic: Emissions from Automotive - Why we have to do something
Ing. Gabriela Fischerová, Director-General | Climate Change and Air Protection Section

05,45 p.m. - 06,00 p.m. PANEL DISCUSSION New mobility agenda & Autonomous Vehicles impact

Moderator: Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD. , TEN SLOVAKIA


06,30 p.m.DAY 1 conclusion

DAY 2 of the summit

Friday , 18.09.2020

08,30 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registration of active participants to Virtual AVs summit centr

09,00 a.m. - 09,20 a.m.Opening ceremony of Day 2 of summit Kick-off speaches of Day 2

prof. Ing. František Uherek, PhD, Vice-rector, Slovak University of Technology
Dr. Ing. František Simančík, R&D managerInstitute of Materials & Machine Mechanics, SAS

09,20 a.m. - 11,30 a.m.PANEL Autonomous Automotive Latest Innovations & AVs future

Topic: Artificial Consciousness and future of Autonomous car
Faramarz Oweissi, Independent individual, Technical Author, Visionary about IoT2.0, Shanghai, China

Topic: We do it with energy
Anna Domańska, Business Development Manager, Kotrak S.A., Katowice (Poland)

Topic: The Future Of Smart Parking Is Integration With Automated Cars
Bohdan JACOS,(COO) GOSPACE Tech s.r.o., Comenius University Science Park Bratislava

Topic: Do autonomous vehicles need new structural materials and technologies?
Dr. Ing. František Simančík , R&D manager Institute of Materials & Machine Mechanics, SAS

11,30 a.m. - 11,45 a.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous Automotive Latest Innovations

Moderator: coming soon

11,45 a.m. - 12,20 p.m.PANEL Impact of Corona crisis on autonomous vehicles

Topic: Impact of Corona crisis on autonomous vehicles development
Ronald Ižip, TREND Bratislava
Topic: Impact of Corona crisis on autonomous vehicles services
Speaker coming soon

12,20 p.m. - 12,30 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Impact of Corona crisis on autonomous vehicles

Moderator: Ronald Ižip, TREND Bratislava


01,30 p.m. - 02,30 p.m.PANEL Digital infrastructure transformation – changes in infrastructure for coming Connected and autonomous vehicles (Barriers of acceleration of adoption of AVs)

Topic: Trajectory Planning and Efficient Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles
Basargan Hakan, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, University of Technology and Economics of Budapest (Hungary)

Topic: Autonomous vehicles and follow up transport systems as a part of Bratislava public spaces (Impact of Adoption of AVs on Urban Transport System in Specific Conditions of Bratislava)
Topic: Plug'n Play New Forms of Mobility and Architectural Design
Mgr. art. Martin Uhrík PhD., Studio Data[LAB], Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava

Topic: Why autonomous vehicles must decide according to current traffic signs and unspecified circumstances
Jozef Drahovský, Traffic analyst and IT specialist

Topic: AI and/ or C-V2X questions by adoption of autonomous vehicles transport in towns? Impact to necessary infrastructure changes.
KEYNOTE/Chase Williams, TGroup Operations & Engineering Manager, Vehicular & Autonomous Technology(USA), (TBC)

02,30 p.m. - 02,45 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Digital infrastructure transformation – changes in infrastructure for coming Connected and autonomous vehicles (Barriers of acceleration of adoption of AVs )

Moderator: Chase Williams, (USA)


03,00 p.m. - 04,15 p.m.PANEL Autonomous cars simulation & Cellular V2X Technology, Testing and trials

Topic: Autonomous driving simulation systems and practices
Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN SLOVAKIA

Topic: Embrace a Beautiful Tomorrow with Cellular V2X Technology
KEYNOTEJakub Borkowski, Business development director CEE&Nordic, Huawei Technologies (China/Poland)

Topic: Backing the race, not the horse: the UK's virtuous cycle of CAV testing and trials
Michael Talbot, Head of Strategy Zenzic (United Kingdom)

04,15 p.m. - 04,30 p.m.PANEL DISCUSSION Autonomous cars simulation & Cellular V2X Technology, Testing and trials

Moderator: Michael Talbot, Head of Strategy Zenzic (United Kingdom)

04,30 p.m. - 05,45 p.m.PANEL Touch the future of coming age of AVs technologies, incl. EU policy by AVs adoption

Topic:EU policy for support of AVs technology research, development, innovations and AVs adoption
KEYNOTE/Mrs Claire Depré, (TBC) Head of Unit Sustainable & Intelligent Transport, DG MOVE (Belgium)

Topic: Mobility and Time Value in the Age of Automated and Connected Driving
Martin Hudak, Experienced Researcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. ERAdiate team

Topic: Smart Mobility National Project in Slovakia, incl. AVs adoption
Peter Varga, MBA,MSc., Director General, Section of road traffic and roads, Ministry of Transport and Construction of Slovak Republic

Topic: Alignement of R&I and pilot CAD activities in Europe
KEYNOTE/Dr. Stephane Dreher, Senior manager connectivity & automation, blockchain ERTICO - ITS Europe ,Brussels (Belgium)

Topic: Are we ready for autonomous vehicles ? (Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index KPMG)
Jozef Geci, Director Advisory at KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia

05,30 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.DISCUSSIONTouch the future of coming age of AVs technologies, incl. EU policy by AVs adoption

Moderator: Jozef Geci, Director Advisory at KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia


06,30 p.m.SUMMIT conclussion

1. deň summitu

Štvrtok, 17.09.2020

08,00 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registrácia

09,00 a.m. - 09,15 a.m.Slávnostné otvorenie summitu



Doc. RNDr. Ladislav Miko, Ph.D.,Vedúci zastúpenia Európskej komisie na Slovensku

Kick-off príhovory hostí Deň 1

Peter Varga, MBA, MSc., Generálny riaditeľ, Sekcia cestnej dopravy a pozemných komunikácií, Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky

Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN Slovakia

09,15 a.m.- 09,35 a.mÚvod: Cesta k autonómii - 6 úrovní of autonómie


Lecture title: 6 úrovní autonómie (1. časť)
Prof. Ing. Mikuláš Huba, PhD.,
Lecture title: 6 úrovní autonómie (2. časť)
Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD.,

09,35 a.m.- 09,50 a.mPANELOVÁ DISKUSIA (MOTIVAČNÁ) Cesta k autonómii - 6 úrovní autonómie

Moderátor:Ing. Peter Ťapák, PhD. STUBA Bratislava


10,00 a.m. - 11,15 a.m.PANEL PANEL Technológie pre prepojené a plne automatizované autonómne vozidlá


Topic: Smerom k rozšírenej inteligencii vecí: Nástroje a zručnosti kognitívnej éry
KEYNOTE/William Carbone, Business Development Aerospace & Defense, Global Automotive, Aerospace & Defense Industries, IBM Academy of Technology Member (United Kingdom)

Topic: Optické riešenia v autonómnej navigácii
František Kudlačák, KudAtech s.r.o.

Topic: Big Data pripravujú cestu pre pripojené a autonómne vozidlá
Ing. Tibor Petrov, PhD. , výskumný pracovník v oblasti inteligentných dopravných systémov. ERAdiate koordinácia projektu / núdzových vozidiel pomocou komunikácie V2X

Topic: Automatický dopravný systém pre verejnú dopravu
KEYNOTE/Prof. RNDr. Branislav Sitár, DrSc., UK Bratislava

Topic: Navigačné systémy pre AVs
Martin Strigač, Výkonný riaditeľ, Sygic (Slovakia)

11,15 a.m. - 11,30 a.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Technológie pre prepojené a plne automatizované autonómne vozidlá

Moderátor:Dr. Tibor PetrovResearcher in Intelligent Transport Systems. ERAdiate project/Emergency Vehicles Coordination using V2X Communication

11,30 p.m. - 12,45 p.m.PANEL AVs Bezpečnosť a legislatíva autonómnych vozidiel

Topic: Auto a chodec prechádzajú vozovkou
prof. Ing. Milan Štork, CSc., Elektrotechnická fakulta, Katedra aplikovanej elektroniky a telekomunikácií,West Bohemia University(Czech republic)

Topic: Bezpečnosť autonómnych vozidiel

Topic: VRES - integrovaný prístup k riadeniu rizika založený na zásadách kybernetickej bezpečnosti, funkčnej bezpečnosti a SOTIF
Edith Holland, Hlavný inžinier funkčnej bezpečnosti, organizácia VAT Horiba MIRA (United Kingdom)

Topic: Právne výzvy autonómnych vozidiel - je potrebná kreativita a odvaha
Mgr. Ivan Kisely, PhD., Advokát, podnikový a regulačný špecialista, Bird & Bird s.r.o., Bratislava

Topic: Právne predpisy týkajúce sa vozidiel bez posádky
Ing. Juraj Dudáš

12,45 p.m.- 01,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Bezpečnosť, testovanie a legislatíva autonómnych vozidiel

Moderátor:Mgr. Ivan Kisely, PhD., Advokát, podnikový a regulačný špecialista, Bird & Bird s.r.o., Bratislava

01,00 p.m. - 02,00 p.m.Obedná prestávka / SLIDO ROOMS ON-LINE NETWORKING COMMUNICATIONS POINT

02,00 p.m. - 03,30 p.m.PANEL Aplikácie autonómnych vozidiel

Topic: Prechod k novému programu mobility
Radoslav Mizera, Chief Innovation Officer and VP at Solved, (Finland)

Topic: Vlaky bez vodiča pôjdu Európou
Alfréd Hebert, Ing., AŽD Praha (Czech republic)

Topic: Sú drony nebezpečné? Ako môžu byť využívané bezpečne?
Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD.

Topic: Systémy autonómnych špeciálnych vojenských vozidiel
Prof. Ing. Viktor Ferencey, PhD.

Topic: Autonómne riadenie pre inteligentnú logistiku
KEYNOTEBerry Leung, Teksbotics (Hong Kong)

Topic: Autonómna mobilná robotika v poľnohospodárstve
Ing. Vladimír Cviklovič, PhD., Katedra elektrotechniky, automatizácie a informatiky, Strojnícka fakulta, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita. Výskum a vývoj autonómnych mobilných robotov v poľnohospodárstve

03,30 p.m. - 03,45 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Autonomous Vehicles Applications

Moderátor: Ing. Ivana Budinská, PhD.

03,45 p.m. - 04,45 p.m.PANEL Mobilita v mestách - najlepšie skúsenosti

Topic: Projekt UP-Drive: Automatizované mestské parkovanie a jazda
RNDr. Júlia Škovierová, PhD., Vedecká pracovníčka Inštitúcia: České vysoké učení technické v Prahe, Český inštitút informatiky, robotiky a kybernetiky (Czech republic)

Topic: AV ako súčasť siete verejnej dopravy v regióne Oslo (Nórsko)
Lars Gunnar Lundestad, Projektový manažér – Self driving Ruter Oslo (Nórsko)

Topic: PREDSTAVENIE NAVYA AUTONOM SHUTTLE pre kyvadlovú dopravu - nová mobilita v jednom : Autonómnsť, zdieľanie a elektro pohon vozidla
KEYNOTEJean-Michel Boëz, Area manažér Germany/Austria/Switzerland/CEE NAVYA Tech, France

Topic: Implementácia a prevádzka autonómnych vozidiel na trasách v celej Európe
KEYNOTEChristian Bering Pedersen, Generálny riaditeľ spoločnosti HOLO (Denmark)

04,45 p.m. - 05,00 p.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Mobilita v mestách - najlepšie skúsenosti


05,00 p.m. - 05,45 p.m.PANEL Dopady adopcie autonómnych vozidiel


Topic: Riadenie prechodu na dopravu bez vodičov
Speaker OECD, OECD -International Transport Forum, Paris (France) (TBC)

Topic: Emisie z automobilového priemyslu - prečo musíme niečo urobiť
Ing. Gabriela Fischerová, generálna riaditeľka Sekcia klimatických zmien a ochrany ovzdušia

05,45 p.m. - 06,00 p.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Nová agenda mobility & Dopady adopcie autonómnych vozidiel

Moderátor: Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD. , TEN SLOVAKIA


06,30 p.m.DAY 1 conclusion

2. deň summitu

Piatok, 18.09.2020

08,30 a.m. - 09,00 a.m.Registrácia

09,00 a.m. - 09,20 a.m. Otvorenie druhého dňa summitu (Day 2) Kick-off príhovory hostí Day 2

prof. Ing. František Uherek, PhD, Vice-rector, Slovak University of Technology
Dr. Ing. František Simančík, R&D manager Institute of Materials & Machine Mechanics, SAS

09,20 a.m. - 11,30 a.m.PANEL Najnovšie inovácie v automobilovom priemysle autonómnych vozidiel a budúcnosť AVs

Topic: Umelé vedomie a budúcnosť autonómneho vozidla
Faramarz OweissiNezávislý jednotlivec, technický autor, vizionár o IoT2.0, Šanghaj, Čína

Topic: Robíme to s energiou
Anna Domańska, Business Development Manager, Kotrak S.A., Katowice (Poland)

Topic: Budúcnosťou inteligentného parkovania je integrácia s automatizovanými vozidlami
Bohdan JACOS,(COO) GOSPACE Tech s.r.o., Vedecký park Univerzity Komenského Bratislava

Topic: Potrebujú autonómne vozidlá nové konštrukčné materiály a technológie?
Dr. Ing. František Simančík , R&D manager Institute of Materials & Machine Mechanics, SAS

11,30 a.m. - 11,45 a.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Najnovšie inovácie oblasti autonómnych vozidiel

Moderátor: Pribudne v nasledujúcich dňoch

11,45 a.m. - 12,20 p.m.PANEL Dopad Corona krízy na AVs

Topic: Vplyv Corona krízy na vývoj autonómnych vozidiel
Ronald Ižip, TREND Bratislava
Topic: Vplyv Corona krízy na využitie autonómnych vozidiel
Speaker coming soon

12,20 p.m. - 12,30 p.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Vplyv Corona krízy na autonómne vozidlá

Moderátor: Ronald Ižip, TREND Bratislava

12,30 p.m. - 01,30 p.m.Obedná prestávka / SLIDO ROOMS ON-LINE NETWORKING COMMUNICATIONS POINT

01,30 p.m. - 02,30 p.m.PANEL Transformácia digitálnej infraštruktúry PANEL - zmeny v infraštruktúre pri adopcii autonómnych vozidiel (bariéry zrýchlenia adopcie)

Topic: Plánovanie trajektórie a efektívne sledovanie autonómnych vozidiel
Basargan Hakan, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, University of Technology and Economics of Budapest (Hungary)

Topic: Autonómne vozidlá a nadväzujúce dopravné systémy ako súčasť bratislavských verejných priestranstiev (Vplyv prijatia AV na systém mestskej dopravy v špecifických podmienkach Bratislavy)

Topic: Plug'n Play nové formy mobility v architektúre
Mgr. art. Martin Uhrík PhD., Studio Data[LAB], Institute of Ecological and Experimental Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava

Topic: Prečo autonómne vozidlá musia rozhodovať podľa súčasných dopravných značiek a nešpecifikovaných okolností
Jozef Drahovský, Traffic analyst and IT specialist

Topic: Otázky umelej inteligencie a / alebo C-V2X zavedením autonómnej prepravy vozidiel v mestách? Dopad na potrebné zmeny infraštruktúry .
KEYNOTE/Chase Williams, TGroup Operations & Engineering Manager, Vehicular & Autonomous Technology(USA), (TBC)

02,30 p.m. - 02,45 p.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Transformácia digitálnej infraštruktúry PANEL - zmeny v infraštruktúre pre vstup a pripojenie k autonómnym vozidlám (bariéry zrýchlenia adopcie)

Moderátor: Chase Williams, (USA)

02,45 p.m. - 03,00 p.m.Prestávka na kávu / SLIDO ROOMS ON-LINE NETWORKING COMMUNICATIONS POINT

03,00 p.m. - 04,15 p.m.PANEL Simulácia autonómnych automobilov a technológia Cellular V2X, testovanie a skúšky

Topic: Autonómne systémy a postupy simulácie jazdy
Ing. Pavel Élesztős, PhD., TEN SLOVAKIA

Topic: Objavme krásny zajtrajšok s technológiou Cellular V2X
KEYNOTEJakub Borkowski , Business development director CEE&Nordic, Huawei Technologies (China/Poland)

Topic: Podporujeme závod, nie koňa: britský cyklus CAV testovania a skúšok
Michael Talbot, Vedúci stratégie Zenzic (United Kingdom)

04,15 p.m. - 04,30 p.m. PANELOVÁ DISKUSIA Simulácia autonómnych automobilov a technológia Cellular V2X, testovanie a skúšky

Moderátor: Michael Talbot, Vedúci stratégie Zenzic (United Kingdom)

04,30 p.m. - 05,45 p.m.PANEL Dotyk budúcnosti AVs technológií, vrátane politiky EÚ k adopcii autonómnych vozidiel

Topic: Politika EÚ v oblasti podpory výskumu, vývoja, inovácií a prijímania AVs technológií
KEYNOTE/Mrs Claire Depré, (TBC) Head of Unit Sustainable & Intelligent Transport, DG MOVE (Belgium)
Topic: Mobility and Time Value in the Age of Automated and Connected Driving
Martin Hudak, skúsený výskumný pracovník v oblasti inteligentných dopravných systémov. ERAdiate tím

Topic: Národný projekt inteligentnej mobility na Slovensku, vrátane autonómnych vozidiel
Peter Varga, MBA, MSc., GR sekcie cestnej dopravy a pozemných komunikácií Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky

Topic: Sme pripravení na autonómne vozidlá? (Index pripravenosti autonómnych vozidiel KPMG)
  Jozef Geci, riaditeľ spoločnosti KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia

05,30 p.m. - 06,00 p.m.PANELOVÁ DISKUSIADotyk budúcnosti AVs technológií, vrátane politiky EÚ k adopcii autonómnych vozidiel

Moderátor: Jozef Geci, riaditeľ spoločnosti KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia KPMG Slovakia, Slovakia



Presentation of Digital innovation Hub-smart factories industry project by (  University technologic incubator STU - InQb )

Meetings with investors in branch

Startups on the way to Autonomous Vehicles Technology Innovations

Presentation of Digital innovation Hub-smart factories industry project by (  University technologic incubator STU - InQb )

Meetings with investors in branch

Startups on the way to Autonomous Vehicles Technology Innovations

Coming soon...

Coming soon...

About us

Organizer of event, J.C.Trade Bridge International s.r.o. Bratislava (Slovakia), was founded in the year 2000 and has many years experience in organizing of events in frame of range of cross-border cooperation projects SK-HU-A-PL , that were succesfully realized. In the last three years, besides other activities, company worked out for Future Proof by preparation, starting up and development of succesfull Techsummit events.

Founder & Organizer

J.C.Trade Bridge International s.r.o., Hrobakova 26, 851 02 Bratislava

PHONE +421 903 447 629


Official company number (IČO) 35787848